Meet the Partners: University of Texas at Austin

The University of Texas at Austin (UTA) is one of the biggest universities in the US, with the mission to perform groundbreaking research and provide cutting-edge teaching and learning techniques. UTA is part of the University of Texas System, which includes nine academic universities and six health institutions statewide.

As part of the SENTINEL project, the Biophotonics Laboratory led by Dr James Tunnell is responsible for developing tools for recording and analyzing surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) signals from an implantable sensor. This includes the development of a handheld Raman probe for measuring SERS signals from the implanted sensor and optimization of computational algorithms for reliable measurement of cancer biomarkers from these signals.

Know more about the University of Texas at Austin (UTA).


Meet the Partners: 2CABraga


Meet the Partners: INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory