Biomaterials & Biosensors

Disruptive scientific developments in biotechnology and bioengineering concepts have pushed forward the application of biomaterials. Manipulation at the nano-, micro- and macro-levels to promote specific interactions with living systems has resulted in new biomaterials with outstanding properties and advantages for application in various fields, including regenerative medicine, controlled drug delivery and immunotherapy, as well as in biosensing and bioimaging.

The design of complex three-dimensional (3D) biomaterial architectures with specific characteristics sustain the development of a novel generation of biosensor devices. The volume, shape, water absorption or porosity of these structures can be controlled to allow the entrapment of molecular biosensing probes while supporting the transport and detection of biomolecules of interest. Moreover, the mechanical and biological properties of biomaterials can be designed to match the properties of living tissues, providing high biocompatibility and tolerability to these devices.

A biosensor is a device able to detect specific biomarkers - through a physical measurable signal. Biomarkers include a variety of molecules commonly found in body fluids such as DNA, RNA or proteins, and many of them have already been used for detecting cancer and following its progression. For prostate cancer, a target of Project Sentinel, increased values of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) in the bloodstream are commonly used as an indication of cancer. However, elevated PSA levels do not always correlate with malignancy, and false positives are very common using such diagnostic methods. In this sense, sensitive and multitargeted biosensors, capable of distinguishing benign prostate conditions from tumour progression/relapse, would support earlier and less ambiguous diagnosis, and likely patient outcomes, including survival rates.

SENTINEL is developing a novel biosensor for prostate cancer detection based on plasmonic nanoparticles and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy. The combination of SERS with plasmonic nanostructures results in increased enhanced capabilities for the detection of molecules at very low concentrations. Moreover, the high specificity of this technique allows for multiple molecules to be detected at the same time. The higher multiplexing and single molecule detection ability bring this technology to the forefront of cancer biosensing, as compared to the most commonly used technologies for cancer detection.

The project SENTINEL offers a new paradigm for monitoring high-risk profile cancer patients based on a new implantable biosensor. The biosensor is capable of being easily and quickly implanted under the skin. Composed of a stable 3D biomaterial chassis with embedded plasmonic particles, the biosensor is aimed at providing a biomolecular fingerprint of the patient, supporting surveillance of tumour recurrence in high-risk profile patients.

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SENTINEL consortium meeting held in Braga